Rangers Fall Tryout Camp Announcement
The Rangers fall tryout camp will open up Monday September 11th.
Camp will only be open to those players on the Rangers Portected List from the Spring ID and those out of zone/territory players who recieve an invitation to camp. These are the new guidelines put forward for this upcoming season by the NS U15 Major Hockey League. If you are from another zone/territory you must first recieve your release from your zone/territory team prior to asking for an invitation to camp.
Once your request for invite has been recieved, it will be reviewed by the team President and it will be decied on whether or not to invite that player to camp at that time. Part of the new guidelines that teams must follow, is that each team may only invite a maximum of 15 players/goalies from out of zone/territory to their camp over the entire process.
Please check back Monday Sept 18th for Phase 2
If you would like to recieve an invitation to The Rangers Camp, please email Jay Clarke, president.rangershockey@gmail.com . Please include in your email a quick background on your player/goalie, last team played for/position/coach etc.