Halifax Wolverines

Spring 2025 Checking Clinic


The Halifax Wolverines U15 Hockey Club would like to announce their upcoming checking clinic/camp.

Please note that this clinic/camp can be attended by players from any association. 

This is a certified and recognized checking clinic per HNS guidelines. Players receive a certificate and their names are forwarded to Hockey Nova Scotia.


To obtain a copy of the registration form please email steve.bent@ns.sympatico.ca


As stated - this is a Hockey Canada checking certification camp and this certification is mandatory for a player to pursue Hockey Canada checking levels (U15 Major, U15 AA, or U15 A). The clinic provides orientation to players in the skills of body checking using a progressive approach from angling, positioning, and body contact to body checking. Players will receive their certification upon completion.

This checking camp is open to any player who is graduating from U13 and going into U15 in the coming season and who wants to play at a level where body checking is permitted. It is also open to any player who participated at the U15B or U15C (REC) levels this season who is returning to Bantam next season and wishes to play at a higher level of Bantam where checking is permitted.

Further, any player that has attended a checking clinic in the past may also attend as a refresher.

Hockey Nova Scotia mandates participation in this clinic by any player who wishes to participate in a body checking environment for the first time next season.

The clinic includes 1 hour of off ice that is required as well as 4 hours of on ice instruction. Cost is $150 and is payable by e-transfer to steve.bent@ns.sympatico.ca. Please use the password hockey.

When you return the registration document please be sure to specify which Group you are registering your player for, please also note that we cap numbers in each so as to provide quality instruction and learning by the player.

Note: The Halifax Wolverines U15 Hockey Club and Hockey Nova Scotia do not recognize any checking camps provided by entrepreneurial organizations.


Clinic Schedule:

 Group 1:

March 10 - 8:30-9:30 am – off ice Halifax Forum

March 10 - 10-noon – on ice Halifax Forum

March 1210-noon – on ice Halifax Forum


Group 2:

March 23 – 6:30-7:30 pm – off ice Halifax Forum

March 23 – 8-9:30 pm – on ice Halifax Forum

March 254-5 pm – on ice Halifax Forum

March 26 - 4:00-5:30 pm  - on ice Halifax Forum


thank you


Steve Bent

Hockey Ambitions Inc.

Halifax Wolverines U15 Major Hockey Club